The Flow to Peak Performance

I just love it when a plan comes together!

It’s a great affirmation of being in your flow when things just fall into your lap just at the time that you need them… Have you ever had that experience?

As I’ve become more clear on who I’m serving in my business I decided to put together a peak performance coaching group for two reasons. First let me explain more about the problem I’m seeking to solve and how I can help…

A key issue for many business owners and managers is how to get the most from their most valuable resource, their people. Many companies waffle on about how people are their greatest asset yet in practice they don’t always act like it. Why is this? I believe that a large part of the issue is that owners and managers forget that “Business IS Personal”. As a result their own baggage can get in the way, they don’t allow for their employees’ baggage getting in the way and they don’t manage in a way that overcomes that.

There are some very simple things that people can do to improve their own and others’ performance. Some of those require a change of mindset, others are simply, do a) then do b) and then do c). It ‘s a very simple formula – improve performance and profits increase.

While I can share this knowledge in my keynote talks, much of the time small and medium companies (SMEs) don’t get access to these events and can’t afford to get me or other keynote speakers for their own company events.

To help these companies to access this knowledge AND be supported in applying it, I’m putting together a coaching group that will comprise teleseminars (to share knowledge), live coaching and Q&A calls (to help apply the knowledge) and perhaps even some live face-to-face events as well. There will probably be two or even three levels of membership so that business owners and managers can access the level they require at an affordable level.

I’ve been studying some of the best such programmes in the world so that I can do this in the way that will give the most value to my clients. At the same time I did a talk a couple of weeks ago where it was half-keynote and half-on the spot coaching/Q&A. While attendees loved the keynote, they liked the second half even better and to be honest, so did I! I was considering the interactivity that is possible in face-to-face events that is much harder to conduct on a teleseminar. I’ve run lots of teleseminars in the past and many people don’t want to speak up because they don’t want to talk over somebody else, it’s challenging for the teleseminar leader because they’re trying to figure out who said what, often there can be bad background noise when it comes to the Q&A sections because you have to unmute the lines in order to take questions.

Then, lands in my inbox the solution. It’s called MaestroConference (see here for more info or a free trial) and not only does it solve the above it does more besides! It allows you to know who wants to ask a question and you can just unmute them. Because you know their name you can say, “John, what’s your question please?” which overcomes the nervousness some have about speaking out. In addition, you only unmute the person that’s asking the question which overcomes the background noise problem.

Not only this, you can have breakout sessions where you put the group into smaller groups of 2, 3 or however many you want so that they can discuss what has been shared, help each other apply it and perhaps come up with more questions that can then be shared with the group. A win-win situation for all, I love it! (By the way, what a great piece of marketing to solve this need.)

The other thing I want to bring into this coaching group is accountability and I was thinking about a system where maybe members could email my assistant with their key issues and what they’re looking to achieve, progress reports, etc. Then in my research and studies I came across the answer. It’s a system that is web-based and allows members of a group to continually do all of this, other members can comment on progress and I can tailor the questions they answer to each particular group. I can also go into each members entries and add my own comments to help them along.

I didn’t go out and look for these things, they just landed in my lap and I believe that is when you know that you’re on the right path.

I believe there are two types of obstacles, one type is to help you learn lessons and grow and the other is to help you see that you’re on the right path. I’ve had a lot of both in the last couple of years! They’ve been extremely helpful to me for growth and guidance and I am very thankful and grateful for them, though I didn’t always feel it at the time…

Are you in your flow? Are you encountering obstacles and if so, which type are they? Are the right things being attracted to you with little or no effort? Spend a few minutes pondering your own situation and I’m sure it will help you move forward.